Traveling around Europe has become my new hobby now that I am here, and there is no better place to kick off my new hobby than Paris. We (Jose, Caely and I ) hopped a train Friday night to Paris to spend the weekend sightseeing and relaxing. We stayed in a youth hostel in the 18th Arrondisement, which is where things like Sacre Coeur, the Moulin Rouge and Montmartre are located. In fact, we had a view of the top of Sacre Coeur from our little room in the hostel...

Saturday we spent the day sightseeing, hitting all the hotspots; Caely and I were very fortunate to have our very own personal guide, Monsieur Jose, who really and truly grew up in Paris. He knows the metro system, where everything is and how to be a Parisian, and not just a tourist. We told him that we were his followers, his lemmings, or his "moutons" (sheep) because she and I would be trailing behind him ever so slightly so that we could follow him and blend in. He pretty much had two shadows for the weekend, but he is too much of a gentlemen to just desert us in Paris. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll just post some of the pics I took on Saturday....

Sunday, after we dragged our tired bodies out of bed, we dragged our tired bodies to the Jardin du Luxembourg, where we napped, read and lounged for about 3 hours. Seriously. The gardens are so beautiful and the sun was shining (it doesn't like to do that very often here in Montlucon) so we grabbed 6 chairs and parked ourselves right by the fountain. We didn't even want to move for lunch, so Caely and I went in search of food to bring back to our little piece of paradise.
It was most certainly a weekend in Paris well spent, and I'm sure it will be something we do quite often if we find ourselves with some extra free weekends.
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