You'll notice how stage 3 is the stage that is circled, and I feel that this stage explains how a lot of us are feeling at the moment. The "honeymoon" stage is officially over, and nothing about being here seems to be appealing anymore. Daily tasks that we take for granted as being easy have become frustrating and at times drive you to tears. I am completely over walking the 30 minute walk to Carrefour, I am over lugging all my groceries home, I am over not being able to pick up a phone and call the people I want to talk to, and I am over eating bread, cheese and pastries,. I'd kill to go to Manhatten Bagel and get a bagel and a cup of coffee that isn't the size of a shot glass that I could put real coffee creamer in. Now these feelings probably stem from the fact that it is the dead of winter and everyone is becoming board and restless....we are all needing a slight change to zap us out of our funk. I am hoping that will occur during our February break, when I will be traveling to Prague, Brussels, Brugges, Antwerp and Mont St. Michel. I am most excited for my upcoming travel plans, and am looking forward to the slight change in my schedule that will take place upon returning to classes. I would also like to say that on the chart above I think #'s 3 and 4 should be switched. I think because you are more aware of the differences in cultures that you first find ways to adapt and then after those strategies become more routine you develop the depression that sets in.
In closing, if anybody gets the inkling to wrap up a bagel (or my car) or any other American products that are not present here in France and wishes to send them to me, I'd be eternally grateful. I'd be even more thrilled if someone decided they wanted to pay a visit to me over here, because while I do miss certain things, it is my friends and family that I miss most by far.
So sorry you are homesick! I don't think i've ever experienced an extended period of time where i've been homesick. but i have experienced moments or at most an evening or day. during my sad moments i try to recreate america as much as i can. (for example: cooking pancakes with scrambled eggs, watching american shows on tv...we have a channel where we can set the language to english. getting dressed up while listening to my fav american music and going out for an american movie. or all of these together. :) the thing i do not do during my moments of being homesick is call home. b/c it makes it worse. also, try to make your room/apt as warm as possible. dye your hair. buy a new color eye shadow. buy a new outfit. love you!