Friday, March 30, 2012

High Five for Friday

There is a blog I follow that I found through Pinterest, and this particular blogger does a "High Five for Friday"  where she posts her highlights of the week. I should've gotten on this band wagon long ago, so that I later on I can look back at the posts and remember the highlights of my weeks here, but oh well. At least I'll have them for my next 4 weeks. So here goes:

1. Spring has FINALLY arrived in Montlucon! The weather has been B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L this week!

2. My very dear friend Stephanie (she is living in Spain at the moment) booked a ticket to come to Paris during the first part of my April holidays!! (I love her, and cannot wait to see her!)

3. The lady at Sephora telling me that I speak good French (that's enough to make my WEEK right there!!!)

4. The awesome dress I bought to wear to my sister's graduation & my best friend's rehearsal dinner. (It was 15 euro, marked down from 37 euro!)

5. My student telling me today that he and his classmates didn't deserve to have me as a teacher (I spend a lot of time trying to get them to listen and not talk while I am, and I frequently have to be very stern with them)

What were some of your highlights of the week???

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